Return & replacement

Order cancellation policy
Order will be cancel with call on customer care number before dispatching only. After order can dispatch order cannot be cancel in any condition by buyers.
If any case thebooks24 can be cancel an order it will be informed by call or email. And aur amount can be refunded in within 7 working days.

Order dispatch policy
After receive a order we can take 1-3 working days to dispatch the order.

Order delivery policy
Order will be delivered within 5-10 working day dependent on distance.

Customer care number :- 9782938018 (Timing 10:00AM to 8:00PM) 


User can replace their order within 5 to 7 days from the date of product delivered If receive product in damage and if you receive wrong product. The Order amount will be refunded in Your bank account within 7 days. When you receive product in damage and if you receive wrong product that's conditions customer can return their product & apply for refund.

If in any case, a wrong book has been erroneously shipped to the customer, then only return will be accepted. In that case it will be desirable that customer ships the books back to us via book packet service of India Post.